Bee Propolis Benefits

What is Bee Propolis ?

Bee propolis is a fragile and dark substance which is combined with sap resins and beeswax to make the overall built of a bee hive. People from the bygone era used to place great value on bee propolis and the pollen due to its ability to treat wounds and prevent infections by bacteria and other microorganisms. Some believe that there are many propolis benefits such as the capability to treat various illnesses such as tuberculosis and cancer.

History of Bee Propolis

The cultivation of bee products goes as far back as the prehistoric times. There are several cave paintings that detect this exact activity of raiding the hives of honeybees by the Paleolithic hunters. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans practiced the art of beekeeping and regarded honey as an antiseptic and medicinal elixir. Many of the ancient tombs have been found to contain containers of honey which can still be consumed.

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Bees collect propolis from birch, poplar and other trees which sticks to their hind legs. This complex resin is then used to build and repair the hives. Propolis can be found in honey in small quantities and is available in various forms such as creams and other cosmetics, capsules, powder, ointments, tablets and as health supplements.

Health benefits of Bee Propolis

  • There are many propolis benefits in the medical field and bee propolis can be used to treat several viral and inflammatory diseases as well as conditions such as shallow burns and ulcers.
  • Bee propolis has excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties and has been used to treat infected wounds for many centuries
  • A daily dose of bee propolis is known to improve poor cataracts
  • Intake of bee propolis has been found to boost the immune system and promote a healthier cardiac functionality.
  • Most of the organic sore throat lozenges have bee propolis as an active ingredient
  • Individuals who have dental problems such as collection of plaque in the gums and teeth can make use of bee propolis to treat them.
  • Most emollients used to alleviate the symptoms of skin burns have bee propolis in a concentrated form

Side effects of Bee Propolis

  • Individuals who are allergic to tree pollen, honey or bee stings should avoid taking bee propolis as it can result in side effects.
  • Asthmatic patients, pregnant or breast feeding women and infants under the age of one year should also avoid the intake of bee propolis.
  • Some individuals may develop rash, itchy throat, hives, or wheezing as a side effect to bee propolis intake.
  • Extreme cases of an allergic reaction to consumption of bee propolis may result in an anaphylactic shock. This may lead to symptoms such as difficulties in breathing and even fatalities.

Bee Propolis – Nutritional information

The components of bee propolis are 10 percent of volatile oils, 4 to 19 percent of vitamins, minerals and other compounds, 3 to 10 percent of fatty acids and 7.5 to 35 percent of wax.

For every 100 grams, here is the nutritional information in bee propolis

25 g of protein

313 calories

12.5 g of fat

25 g of carbohydrate

25 g of sugar


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