Tiny red dots on the skin may indicate the presence of a number of skin disorders. A few conditions that result in tiny red dots on the skin may go away on their own, while others like measles require medical attention. A few of the conditions that result in tiny red dots on skin are discussed below:
- Acne: Individuals generally develop acne during the teenage years and the condition resolves by the time one reaches the age of 25 years. Acne can cause white or tiny red dots on skin. It is caused due to infection by bacteria and leads to the formation of a blackhead or a red-colored pimple. A proper diet and application of topical medications can cure the condition. Here is information on the most severe form of acne .
- Boils: They are caused due to excessive exposure to heat and can form on any part of the skin. Boils can either appear as yellow-pinkish pus-filled bumps or as tiny red dots on skin. They resolve on their own. However, large pus-filled varieties of boils may require draining.
- Allergic reactions: Tiny red dots on skin may also be caused as an allergic reaction to certain environmental allergens such as dust, pollen, etc., or to certain types of foods or drugs. One must visit a doctor to get tested for allergies and accordingly avoid them.
- Cherry angioma: They are dome shaped bumps that occur on the skin and do not itch. They are reddish or purplish in color and can affect an individual of any age group. The condition is not dangerous, but persistent and prolonged cases of cherry angioma have to be checked by a doctor.
- Allergies to the sun: Increased exposure to the sun can result in the development of tiny red dots on skin, as a part of an allergic reaction. Some of the known types of sun allergies include polymorphous light eruption, solar urticaria, and actinic prurigo.
- Insect bites: The bites of most insects such as ants, mosquitoes are not harmful and the resultant tiny red dots on skin resolve within a few hours of bite. Such marks may be itchy. It is also important to note that bites by bees, wasps, etc., that cause adverse reactions need to be checked by a doctor. Here is information on insect bites identification

- Hives: They may develop as itchy tiny red spots on skin as an allergic reaction to food and food addictives. They can occur as a single red spot or as a cluster of red spots. It can be treated by intake of antihistamines
- Measles: It results in the formation of tiny red dots on skin or a rash, ten to twelve days after the initial infection. The symptoms of measles initially occur on the face and then spread to other areas of the body. It is important to seek medical attention to treat the condition.
- Shingles: The initial symptoms of the condition include itching, pain, tingling and burning sensations on any part of the body, eventually leading to the development of tiny red spots on skin in the later stages. A doctor needs to be consulted to treat the condition.
- Petechiae: It is caused due to bleeding of the capillaries under the skin and results in the formation of tiny red dots on skin. The dots are not elevated and do not lose color when pressed. The condition can be caused due to a number of reasons and a doctor’s advice is required to diagnose the underlying cause and thereby treat it.