Hemochromatosis is a disorder that can affect the body’s ability to break down iron, which makes too much iron being absorbed in the digestive tract. The diseases occurs when there is too much iron build-up in the liver leading to its swelling.
Symptoms of Hemochromatosis
1. Abdominal pain
2. Loss of body hair
3. Loss of sexual desire
4. Weight loss
5. Fatigue
6. Excess pigmentation or darkening of the skin
7. Joint Pain
8. Lack of energy

Hemochromatosis treatment
The intention of the treatment is to get rid of excess iron from the body and treat any organ that may be damaged. There is a medical procedure called phlebotomy that removes extra iron from the body. This is done by removing one and a half liter of blood from the body, so that the iron level comes down. This can take anytime between many months and even years to accomplish.