Dust Mites

Most of us have questioned the reasons as to why there is a sudden onset of itching, when we sit down on our favorite couch or lie down in the…

Bullous Pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid is a rare skin condition characterized by the appearance of blisters of different sizes on the skin. The cause of the manifestation of these blisters is not clear,…

Maculopapular rash

Maculopapular rash is a type of skin disorder which causes certain parts of the skin to turn red. Such abnormal skin gives rise to the formation of tiny lumps. Individuals…

Molluscum contagiosum

What is Molluscum contagiosum ? Molluscum contagiosum is a common skin disorder that is caused by viral infections and generally tends to affect infants and children. It results in the occurrence…


Neurofibromatosis is a genetic condition that disturbs the growth of cells in the nervous system, resulting in the formation of tumors on nerve tissue. The tumor can develop at any…

Poison Oak Rash

Poison oak rash is an allergic reaction of the surface of the skin due to its direct contact with certain substances. It is type of contact dermatitis. Poison oak rash…

Prickly Heat Rash

Prickly heat rash refers to a skin condition which results in the development of blisters or lumps. Such blisters can be itchy and cause prickly sensations. The condition is more…

Hole in Face

Hole in face is an unpleasant token of a recently concluded facial skin problem. Holes not only make the skin less perfect but they also have a negative effect on…

Insect bites identification

Some insect bites are harmless while others are poisonous. Hence, insect bites identification is really important especially when treating fatal ones. Read on to learn more. Insects sting or bite…