Can You Take Ibuprofen When Pregnant?

Ibuprofen is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) used to provide relief from fever, arthritis, headache, back pain, toothache, menstrual cramps, and minor injuries. One of the most common questions among pregnant women is “can you take ibuprofen when pregnant?” The answer is NO.

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When a person gets dependent on pain relievers like ibuprofen, they become at high risk of heart attack and stroke. And the medication itself causes serious and minor side effects such as dyspepsia, nausea, ringing in the ears, gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrhea, raised liver enzymes, constipation, headache, dizziness, heartburn, rash, and hypertension. Other serious side effects cause fluid retention such as blood clots, heart failure, and hypertension. It is advisable to take ibuprofen only with the right dosage and at the right time.


Going back to the question, “can you take ibuprofen when pregnant?” Of course not, instead of using ibuprofen, try paracetamol or acetaminophen instead. They are the safest choice, but as much as possible try to avoid taking medications if it is not really necessary.


Side Effects of Ibuprofen in Pregnancy


• Possible miscarriages. Though there has been no clear link between miscarriages and ibuprofens consumption, some studies show that regular use of this medication during the first trimester of pregnancy can inhibit the implantation process. While other studies show no clear effects.


• Aside from miscarriages during the first trimester, taking ibuprofen may affect the baby’s development. Two studies reveal that taking ibuprofen while pregnant increases the baby’s risk to developing gastroschisis, a defect in which the infant’s intestines stick out through a hole on the abdominal wall.


• A team of researchers contend that taking large dosage of ibuprofen during the second trimester can increase the risk of bearing a son with an undescended testicles or cryptorchidism. It is a condition in which the male baby can have poor semen quality and the possibility of developing testicular cancer later in his life.


• During the third semester, it is advised to avoid taking ibuprofen at all costs as it increases heart related problems and causes high blood pressure too. It also delays the labor period and diminishes the mother’s amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid refers to the membrane that keeps the baby safe and protected from any harm and infection from the outside world.


• The general side effects of ibuprofen as mentioned above can be exacerbated when used during pregnancy.


What if you have already taken ibuprofen?


If you have already taken ibuprofen not knowing that you are pregnant, you shouldn’t worry as one dosage can unlikely cause any harm to the unborn child. However, if you have taken frequent dosage of these medications for the past weeks or months, ask advice from your attending physician right away. He or she can recommend having your baby monitored occasionally for possible side effects.


Ibuprofen is labeled as “pregnancy category C”, which means that this medication has not been 100% proven to cause miscarriages or birth defects. And therefore possible side effects are still uncertain which is why it is most wise to avoid taking it. When someone asks you, “Can you take ibuprofen when pregnant?” The answer is “Absolutely not.”



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