Symptoms of dengue fever, Treatment

Dengue fever (pronounced as DENG-Gay) is a physical condition wherein mild to severe fever is experienced by the sufferer. The condition is usually caused by four kinds or related viruses which is spread through a certain kind of mosquito. It is essential to consult a doctor if you suspect prevalence of fever caused due to dengue infection as even mild fever may progress to a severe condition. You may experience rashes, muscle ache and joint pain etc. There is a more severe form of the condition which is known as dengue hemorrhagic fever which may cause symptoms such as bleeding, dramatic drop in blood pressure or even death.

Though there is no specific cure for the physical abnormality, there are some treatment techniques for dengue fever which may help in alleviating the condition. In case the condition has progressed to a severe state than you may have to be hospitalized and supportive care may be needed.

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There are million of cases recorded world wide attributed to dengue infection every year. Dengue fever is usually recorded in tropical as well as subtropical region. Few cases attributed to the disease are also recorded in territories of United States, such as Texas, Hawaii etc.

Symptoms of dengue fever

There are some signs and symptoms noticed when one experiences fever caused by dengue infection. These symptoms may greatly depend on the type as well as the severity of the disease. Here are some symptoms of dengue infection.

Dengue fever symptoms:

• Dengue infection may cause high fever of up to 105 Fahrenheit (which is 40.6° C)

• Rash on several parts of the body, this rash may subside and then reappear

• Severe headache

• Back pain

• Pain in or behind your eye

• Severe joint ache

• Muscle ache

• Queasiness and vomiting


The sign or symptoms of the disease may be experienced from approx four to seven days from the onset of the dengue infection. It should be known that mild dengue fever seldom lead to death. There are chances that the symptoms experienced may subside after few weeks from the onset. However, you should not overlook the condition and consult a doctor immediately.


Symptoms of Dengue Fever in Children

Dengue fever in children can last from 5 to 7 days. The child who suffers from this, has high fever going up to 40″ C with nausea, vomiting, tiredness, headache, reddish spots on skin and abdominal pain.


Dengue hemorrhagic fever symptoms:

Dengue hemorrhagic is a severer form of the condition which progresses from mild fever. The symptoms experienced under such progressed dengue infection may be different from the mild condition; however, it may include some signs of the latter condition.


• It may cause damages to blood vessels as well as lymph vessels

• Reduction in amount of blood cell that may also lead to blood clot (scientifically known as platelets)

• Bleeding from nasal passage as well as from mouth

• Bleeding occurring under the skin which may look like bruises

• It may extremely lead to death


Symptoms of dengue shock syndrome:

Dengue shock syndrome is said to be the most serious form of dengue infection. It may include symptoms of all earlier dengue conditions, including some additional symptoms like:


• Intense stomach ache

• Vomiting frequently

• Disorientation

• Plasma leakage from blood vessels

• Dramatic drop in blood vessels

• Heavy bleeding

• It may also extremely lead to death


These may be experienced even after the fever (body temperature) has fallen to normal. According to the records, some death cases are attributed to severe form of dengue infection. Hence, medical attention is essential which reduces the risk of death and help the sufferer get rid of dengue infection.


Causes of dengue fever:

Dengue fever usually onset due to any of the four kinds of dengue viruses. These viruses are spread through a species of mosquito known as Aedes aegypti. These kinds of mosquitoes are found among and around human habitation and dwells even on clean water.


Mosquito traverse these viruses from and to human being which means that, they can bite and affected individual and carry the virus to other unaffected individuals. When a mosquito who is carrier of dengue virus bites an individual, the virus actually enters the blood stream. The virus then circulates throughout the body and settles in the salivary gland, this may cause severe illness.


Dengue fever can affect an individual who had already been a victim of the condition earlier in life, this means that it can affect more than once. This usually happens due to exposure to another kind of dengue virus dissimilar from which you were afflicted earlier. A second time infection may be severer as compared to that of earlier infection; it may also be dengue hemorrhagic fever.


Tests and diagnosis for dengue fever:

It may be difficult to diagnose the condition as the symptoms of the disease can be confused with symptoms of other conventional physical conditions. However, here are some diagnosing techniques that your doctor may ask you to undergo.


• Your doctor may probe you on symptoms experienced

• Look for rashes or other abnormal signs on the body

• Check you medical history

• Suggest you to go for blood test to check of prevalence of dengue virus


Treatment for dengue fever

It was said that there is no specific treatment for dengue fever, but it seems that medical industry is engaged in finding a cure for the disease. There are many success cases wherein dengue infection was managed successfully. However, here are some treatments that are generally suggested in case of dengue affliction.


Drinking plenty of fluid is suggested to the patient as it avoids dehydration that is caused due to high fever as well as vomiting. In order to alleviate pain as well as reduce fever your doctor may suggest you medication such as acetaminophen etc. It is not suggested to take aspirin or other such non-steroidal anti- inflammatory medications for example ibuprofen and naproxen etc. Such medication may also increase the risk of complications such as bleeding.


Severe dengue conditions are treated through supportive care especially in hospital where your health is monitored timely. You may also need IV or Intravenous fluids and electrolytes this is usually done at hospital. In some extreme cases your doctor may also suggest transfusion in order to replace blood, which may be necessary. Hence, it is better to prevent the condition from exacerbating and seek immediate treatment for dengue fever.






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