Infected Eczema

Infected eczema develops when bacteria, virus or fungi get into the damaged skin caused by eczema. This condition causes red, itchy and oozing fluid-filled blisters. The infected skin can be…

Strep Throat

Contents - We cover  strep throat pictures, symptoms, signs, causes and treatment in this article. What is Strep Throat ? It refers to condition caused due to bacterial infection of…

Muscle Atrophy – Causes

Here are muscle atrophy causes, information on symptoms and treatment. What is Muscle Atrophy ? Muscle Atrophy is medically defined as  a condition that is commonly characterized by decrease in the…

Muscular Dystrophy

What is Muscular Dystrophy ? Muscular Dystrophy or MD refers to a genetic disease wherein the muscle fibers get easily damaged and progressively deteriorate. This condition affects both the voluntary…

Mild Eczema

When a person develops an itchy rash that feels warm to the touch, it could probably be a case of mild eczema. People suffering from this kind of skin problem…

Erythema Nodosum

What is Erythema Nodosum ? It is a form of inflammatory disorder which is typified by the presence of tender and painful reddish lumps underneath the skin. Erythema Nodosum could be…