Early Symptoms of HIV, Tests

Understanding early HIV symptoms will help in coping with HIV infection well. Human Immunodeficiency Virus more commonly known as HIV is a lentivirus which belongs to the retrovirus family. This virus leads to one of the most threatened physical issue known as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome which is commonly abbreviated and known as AIDS. This is a condition that causes progressive malfunction of immune system which permits fatal opportunistic infections as well as cancers to grow. The infection is a contagious condition which is transferred through blood, seminal fluid, vaginal fluid discharge, pre- ejaculated substance and even breast milk.

HIV is present as free virus or within immune cells in these aforementioned fluids. There are four kind of HIV transmission recorded in the medical industry, that are transmission through unsafe sex, through contaminated needles, perinatal transmission or transmission through breast milk. Screening of blood for HIV infection has largely eradicated transmission of the condition through blood transfusion.

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HIV syndrome can be treated if prevalence of the syndrome is identified early. This could be done by understanding early symptoms of HIV. There are various sings and symptoms that you may have to monitor. In many cases early HIV symptoms may seem like flu; however in some cases the condition may be nondescript. It may take months or even years for the condition to show up symptoms; however, this may differ from person to person. As the infection aggravates the signs as well as symptoms may also exacerbate.

Here are some early symptoms of HIV

Similar to many other cases you may not be able to experience any symptoms of HIV as mentioned above. However, 30 to 60 days from the time of exposure to the virus you may start experiencing flu like illness. This flu- like illness may include:

• Fever or increased in body temperature

• Head pain

• Fatigue

• Protruded lymph nodes (immune system glands that can be felt at groin as well as neck)

These sigs and early symptoms of HIV usually ebb away in seven to 30 days, which is why the condition is usually mistaken with viral infection. During phase of affliction the condition turns highly infectious and Human immunodeficiency virus is present in genital fluids in higher degree.

Definite early symptoms of HIV

Severe and persistent symptoms of HIV may not any sooner than over 10 years from the time of exposure to the virus in case of adults. In case of children born with the infection these symptoms may be experience within 2 years. The phase of nondescript or asymptomatic infection may vary drastically in every individual. Some affected individuals may start experiencing HIV symptoms from few months while other patients may not experience any symptoms for over 10 years.

Even during the nondescript phase of the condition the virus is in active state of reproduction, wherein it consistently contaminates and terminates immune system cells. The virus influencing the cell may also hide and stay dormant with theses cells. One of the most evident effects of human immunodeficiency virus is that it causes reduction in number of CD4+T cells which is the chief agent of immune system to fight infection and is found in blood. The virus insidiously counteracts and eradicates these cells usually without showing any early symptoms of HIV.

Aggravating early symptoms of HIV

Through the course of progressive HIV infection the immune system worsens and along with it several complications starts to appear. It is noticed that the initial symptoms of HIV infection is swollen glands or protruded lymph nodes. This condition may persist for over three months. Other symptoms that may be experienced months or years prior to the start of AID or Acquire Immunodeficiency syndrome may also include:

• Lack of energy or Fatigue

• Dramatic reduction in weight

• Fever and frequent sweating

• Persistent or highly frequent yeast infection (related to oral or vaginal infection)

• Skin issues such as flakes on skin or visible rashes

• Pelvic inflammatory diseases, which is abbreviated as PID, which is found in women and may not respond to medical care

• Short- term memory loss

Some people may suffer from serious and frequent herpes infection that leads to mouth sores, anal sores or even genital sores. It may also sometimes cause painful nerve disease known as shingles. In some cases the condition may also affect developmental traits of children or they may stay sick for most time.

Early symptoms of HIV progressing to AIDS

The word AIDS or (Acquire Immunodeficiency syndrome) is used to refer to the extreme final stage of HIV infection. AIDS is a condition wherein the CD4+ T count in the blood is lesser than 200 cells per cubic millimeter. Healthy adult individuals usually carries 1000 CD4+ T cell per cubic meter.

Early HIV symptoms tests

There are several HIV diagnosing techniques which may help in determining whether the believed signs are actually early symptoms of HIV or affects of other physical issues. These tests may include:

• Blood examination or blood tests

• Urine examination

• Oral diagnosis

• Rapid examinations

• Home examinations


Blood tests to detect HIV infection

There are more than a few blood tests that may help in analyzing and understanding the prevalence of the infection. These blood examinations may include:


• Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent assay abbreviated as ELISA or EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay)

• Western blot also referred to as protein immunoblot for confirmation of the diagnosis


Apart from these two above mentioned blood tests there are other new and advanced blood diagnosing methods that may help in understanding the underlying HIV infection. These advanced tests may include:

• Radio immunoprecipitation assay abbreviated as RIPA

• Dot Blot immunobinding assay rapid screening blood examination

• Immunofluorescence assay abbreviated as IFA

• NAT or Nucleic acid testing:

• Polymerase chain reaction or PCR that detects HIV genetic details

It should be known that initially when the infection was identified it did not have any treatment then. But now with advancement of medical science there are HIV treatments available, which may help you in curing yourself from the condition, provided you opt for treatment timely. Hence, when you experience any early symptoms of HIV it is essential to consult a doctor immediately.





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